Letters to the Malta Independent, 27. January 2002 A barbaric killing From Mrs Mariella Bellorofonte It was a shameful Sunday, thanks to the barbaric killing of the swans. This was not a rare incident at all, a look through the Birdlife newsletter reveals what the so-called civilised Maltese get up to in their eagerness to hunt these creatures roaming the skies. A truly depressing sight, unfortunate or was it fortunate that this shameless killing was witnessed by various individuals and their families? Shame, shame, shame! This proves what a kind "sport" hunting is. Abuse of certain individuals is no excuse. We are sick and tired of hearing condemnations from the Hunting Federation that it puts them in a bad light, or from the authorities that these create a bad name for the country! And so they should, but what is behind all this that counts. This so-called "sport" is getting out of hand in this small island of ours. Hunting Licences are rampant. We are also being deprived of our rights too, since the majority of the Maltese are not hunters after all. I ask the Hunting Federation, does it take long to check if those arrested were its members, does it make them any different? M. Bellorofonte MTARFA